
Choose one of many birthday wishes you can find on i-Birthday wishes. We have hundreds of happy birthday wishes and greetings. Now make someone smile with a spectacular way of saying happy birthday. Put one on the birthday card or write a nice wish on the birthday flowers.

Romantic birthday wish

Hilarious birthday message

Ten years between 35 and 40

You still look fantastic

Wishes and dreams

You think age makes you more mature

Rich enough

Worry about tomorrow


The miracle

The secret

Your getting old


Life well spent

Someone special was born

A proud father

Every candle on your cake


Worry about tomorrow

Happy birthday wishes and greetings for all ages

Pick one of these birthday wishes, use them for inspiration for writing a birthday card or put one on the card that comes with the birthday flowers. Like everybody knows; it is of great importance that you get the right text for the right person. People who love jokes, will appreciate some funny text.
Grumpy people will just accept the text like it is. That is why this site has a very large database. If somehow you would still not found what you are looking for; feel free to contact one of the webmasters. We will love to help you out! One of our main goals is that you will leave our site with the text you needed. Also if you would like to see your own unique happy birthday wishes on this site, contact us and maybe it will be added.

We hope that you could find the birthday wishes and/or birthday greetings that you were looking for. However, we will still keep this site updated with new wishes and greetings.

The team behind the site thanks you for your visit!